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1:Where did you meet your band: In the Quebec 


2:Where is your favourite place you to a do concert: In Africa 


3:Why you have started the groupe: friends who want to make music so we made our dream come true 


        4:Why this name the animals: cause we think that animals is a great them so we decide to call them                            selfs the animals 


       5:Who is the drumer in your band: the dog  


       6:Who is the singer in your band: the panther 


       7:Who is the guitariste in your band: the little fish 


           8:Who is the base in your band: the wolf  


9 :When you meet your band: 20 septembre 2006 


10 :When was your first concert: 20 mars 2008 


11 :Would you like to have a collab with Micheal Jackson ?: yessss 


12 :Did you get inspired by an other band for your band ? Yes we did 


13 :Do you guys sometimes fight ? Yes we do sadly 


14 :Did you have financial problems ? no not rlly  


15 :Did the fish break his bowl sometimes ? Yes he did it as really stressful  


16 :Does the panther get bullied for being a feline ? Yes but she took care of it most of the time 


17 :Does the Dog bark ? Yes sometimes when hes angry 


18 :Does the wolf howl ? No she controls it 


19 :Does the fish have scales ? yes he does  


20 :Is the reste of the band annoying sometimes ? Yes 

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